Apparel is one of the online shopping categories that grew the most during the COVID-19 pandemic, with US retail ecommerce revenue surging 41.6% between 2020 and 2022. If you need to know about the current and future state of the apparel industry, look no further than this infographic. You’ll discover insights from apparel brands that took our State of Digital Marketing Survey, plus data from outside research. Keep reading to explore the current state of the apparel industry stats.

Apparel Industry Stats
Top-of-Mind Trends for Apparel Brands
- Social commerce: 51.7%
- Emerging social media platforms: 48.3%
- Emerging online marketplaces: 34.5%
Biggest Initiatives for Apparel Brands
- Social media: 62.1%
- Paid search advertising: 51.7%
- Search engine optimization: 48.3%
- Conversion rate optimization: 44.8%
Top-of-Mind Trends for Decision-Makers at Apparel Brands
- Emerging online marketplaces: 53.3%
- Direct-to-consumer: 40.0%
- Video: 33.3%
Top Initiatives for Apparel Brands With $100MM+ in Annual Revenue
- Search engine optimization: 85.7%
- Paid search advertising: 71.4%
- Amazon & online marketplaces: 57.1%
Global Apparel Revenue
- Global apparel market revenue in 2021: $1.5 trillion
- Expected global apparel market revenue by 2026: $2.0 trillion
US Retail Ecommerce Revenue (in Billions)
- 2020: $144.8
- 2021: $180.5
- 2022: $205.0
- 2023: $232.1
- 2024: $262.3
- 2025: $295.7
More Apparel Industry Stats & Trends
- The global athleisure market will increase by $153 billion between 2020 & 2025
- Between 2021 & 2025, the average spend per shopper of online fashion resale will more than double
- Apparel is the #1 fastest growing US retail category, generating more than double the sales of any other industry in 2021
- Free returns & free shipping are extremely valuable to 49% of US apparel shoppers
- McKinsey & Company, The State of Fashion.
- Statista, Global apparel market – statistics & facts.
- Statista, Apparel e-commerce market size in the United States from 2016 to 2021.
- Digital Commerce 360, How big retail chains fared online in 2020.