The AdWords Advertiser’s Guide to Amazon Sponsored Products

Your Shortcut to Success on Amazon

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More product searches start on the Amazon Marketplace than on Google! (A good perspective to consider, given Amazon’s high commissions and control.)

Amazon Sponsored Product ads provide the quickest path to marketplace success. Even so, this opportunity remains underutilized as many sellers have been overwhelmed by the bid-based platform.

Here’s the shortcut: Amazon Sponsored Products campaigns are surprisingly simple to grasp when seen through an AdWords framework.

Read this report to discover:

  • How to exploit a little-understood feature of paid product promotions to boost your percentage of Amazon Buy Box wins.
  • The straightforward approach to Sponsored Product ads that automatically optimizes selling information.
  • The keyword bidding strategy that helps you dominate the marketplace and maximize your ROI.

Download this report now to streamline your path to Amazon success.

Hand clicking Amazon shopping cart.