Online revenue from personal care is projected to surpass $38 million in 2022 – a more than $13 million increase over pre-pandemic revenue.

As consumer interest in self care continues to skyrocket, what can brands in the personal care, health, and wellness industry expect in the next year?

In this infographic, dive into the latest health and wellness industry stats and trends, how the pandemic has impacted this industry, and tips and strategies for health and wellness brands.

The State of the Health & Wellness Industry

Online revenue from personal care items is projected to surpass $45 million by 2025:

  • 2019: $25.1MM
  • 2020: $31.9MM
  • 2021: $35.1MM
  • 2022: $38.3MM
  • 2023: $40.9MM

COVID-19’s impact on the health & wellness industry:

  • Personal care retail ecommerce revenue surged 27.1% in 2020 due to the pandemic and consumers’ increased interest in personal wellness
  • Health & personal care ecommerce sales increased by 20.5% in 2020, blasting pasting pre-pandemic estimates
  • Ecommerce personal care saw record growth of 6% last year due to the pandemic, 3x the growth seen the year before
  • Digital ad spend for CPG is projected to grow 16.4% to $22.6 billion this year after seeing just 5.2% growth last year
  • Personal care products will make up 7.61% of total ecommerce sales next year, up from 6.97% in 2019 before the pandemic hit

Strategies & tips for personal care, health, & wellness brands:

  • Influencer marketing is extremely effective for personal wellness brands since these types of products often require more consideration from consumers. An influencer is someone with an online presence who is able to impact consumers’ purchase decisions thanks to the uniquely close relationship influencers have with their followers. Influencer marketing allows your brand to reach your target audience through someone they already know, like, and trust.
  • In light of consumers’ heightened preference for buying products they can trust, being as ethical as possible has also become a crucial component of a successful marketing strategy. If your brand is able to provide more natural, ethically created products, the benefits could be bounteous. In fact, 36% of consumers would choose a more natural skincare option over the more effective one, compared to 21% who would choose effective over natural.
