Use the Google Insights for Search tool to check the seasonality of your major keywords. This tool also shows you countries, states, and metro areas that search highly for your terms.

According to Google, Insights for Search is a tool where users “can compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, time frames, and properties.”

To use this tool, you need to visit

insights small flowers.jpgInsights for Search will show you when a search phrase is most popular during the year. If you are an advertiser with a seasonal product, it is very beneficial to be able to see when the peaks in your search traffic usually start and when you should turn your seasonal campaigns on.

For example, if you sell flowers, you could use the tool to see how far in advance of Valentine’s Day you should start your “Valentine’s Day” campaigns. Since you can probably only deliver flowers in the US, you are able to filter your results to show only the United States’ search traffic. You can even filter by region if you’re a local flower shop.

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You can see the expected spikes happening each year starting in late January which is when you would want to turn on your Valentine’s Day campaigns and take advantage of the early traffic.

However, you can also see another reoccurring spike that happens every May, probably indicating that people search for flowers to give to their moms on Mother’s Day.

By using Insights for Search, you have found that another seasonal campaign is needed for your product, and will hopefully help you capitalize on traffic that other turkey suppliers are missing out on.

Other helpful uses for Insights for Search include:

  • Finding search volume by geographic location
  • Finding top search terms relating to your keywords
  • Finding rising searches relating to you keywords